Christmas is literally around the corner…5 days and counting!

Traditionally I’ve leaned pretty heavily into the Nativity story in these days around Christmas, but today, I’m sharing a different Mary story than Mary the Mother of Jesus. A reminder that whatever journey you are on right now, mom, God has you on it for a reason…To ultimately bring God the most Glory, even when we can’t see the results or the reward. So as a new year approaches, walk confidently into it, knowing that Jesus has got this!




Hey Friends! 

As I was looking back the other day, I realized this is my 4th December with Faithful 31 Moms! That seems crazy to me…time flies by for sure…as we all know that raising kids! So, I wanted to do things a little different this year for Christmas time, since I’ve already covered the manger scene and topics on Mary the Mother of Jesus several times now…


Before I get started today, just wanted to mention…


There is a great episode from last Christmas about Mary’s cousin, Elizabeth, and how she affirmed Mary being pregnant with Jesus while she was pregnant with John the Baptist—that was a really cool episode to study for—so if you didn’t catch that one last Christmas, then you can go back and LISTEN HERE or READ HERE.

Also be sure to check out the previous episode/blog on the 3 wise men! It’s all about what their gifts can teach us about the gifts we give our kids this Christmas—it made me think about a lot of things I’ve never thought about before! LISTEN HERE or READ HERE.



This Christmas, the Lord has placed a different type of message on my heart…

This story stills has to do with a Mary in the Bible, but not Mary, the mother of Jesus, which is the typical choice for this Christmas season. But today we are going to be talking about Mary of Bethany…She was a friend of Jesus and sister to Martha and Lazarus.

I hope her story meets you right where you are this Christmas, in whatever season you are in, as you anticipate a new year coming!


When I read this story several months ago, it hit me like a truck!


I had heard this story many times throughout my life, and you may have as well, but the Lord decided to show it to me in a new light, and I can’t tell you how many moms I’ve personally gotten to encourage with this story over the last couple of months! And today, I want to share it with you…

I know things are crazy right now! Christmas is just a few short days away, and your family may be traveling or your to-do list for grocery shopping or wrapping gifts is a MILE LONG! But wherever you are mom, in this moment…really lean in for a few minutes! I feel as though this word is heavy on my heart to share with you specifically today…


This story begins in John 11, where we find Mary and Martha’s brother, Lazarus, is very sick…


John 11 begins with Mary and Martha sending word to Jesus to come to Lazarus, “because the one you love is sick” they say in verse 3. This confirms that Lazarus wasn’t just a stranger in need of healing, but he was one of Jesus’ closest friends…they were buddies!


John 11:5 says: “Jesus loved Martha and Mary and Lazarus, yet when He heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days…”

When I read that, I thought, “Well that’s weird…why would you wait to go see one of your best friends if you knew they were dying, and that you could heal them, since we are talking about Jesus here…why would he wait to go see his friends that needed him? That it says he loved?!”

I think those questions are rational to think in our human minds, right? It’s not like they had texting or email back then for quick communication, or cars and planes, so for Jesus to wait two days, when it had probably already taken an entire day just to get word to him, seems strange right? 


But just before this, in verse 4, when Jesus heard the news, He said this: "This sickness will not end in death, no, it is for God’s glory, so that God’s Son may be glorified through it." 


Only Jesus knew He needed to stay right where He was and wait those 2 days, as odd as that seems to you and me. I imagine it did to Mary of Bethany as well and to her sister Martha, as they were overcome with worry for their brother. Inserting myself into this story, I would be running as quick as I could to get to one of my family members or close friends in this situation, and I’m sure you would too! And I’m not Jesus, so it’s not like I could heal anyone…but that’s exactly it…I’m not Jesus! He knows and manifests God’s will perfectly in all situations.


So the question I asked myself and you are probably asking right now too is, “Why then? Why did Jesus wait those 2 extra days to go to Lazarus, Mary and Martha?


I have thought and thought on this question…

All I know for sure is this: Jesus is Emmanuel. He was fully God and fully human at the same time, walking the earth. He had a life, felt pain and emotions and real friends like Lazarus, Mary and Martha, while also still being fully God, knowing the answer to ALL things, seeing the bigger picture of God’s Will with perfect clarity and without sin. (MIND BLOWING, RIGHT?!)

He KNEW EXACTLY what He was doing, which was exactly what God the Father told him to do, even though waiting seems strange to you and me, and I’m sure it did to Mary and Martha too.


In fact later in this passage, John 11:21 & 32, Mary and Martha, both separately say to Jesus, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died…”


Think about the timing…

It likely took a full day to get word to Jesus, then the two days He waited, followed by an entire day of traveling with his disciples to get there, because they had to walk….It’s not like they could hop in the car and drive on the interstate…

So all together that is 4 days. So in verse 17, where it says Jesus arrived 4 days after Lazarus had died…this makes perfect sense.

Upon Jesus’ arrival, there were likely tons of people there to pay respects by visiting Mary and Martha in this time of loss…just like there would be today…And this is when we see the humanity of Jesus is our favorite verse to memorize because it is so short, “Jesus wept.” 🙂

The Bible says Jesus goes to Mary of Bethany and asks to see Lazarus, and ends up crying alongside her, showing us Jesus’ humanity and also how He hurts when the people He loves hurt…

You see, Jesus wasn’t crying because of the finality of Lazarus’ death, but because his heart broke to see Mary and Martha in grief. ONLY Jesus knew what was to come—and that was Lazarus being raised from the dead—something that ONLY Jesus, being fully God, could have known.


The story continues on, and in verse 43, Jesus calls Lazarus out of his grave and back to life! And Jesus says to Mary and Martha, "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"


This was similar to what Jesus said to the disciples when he first heard about Lazarus being sick, knowing that the thing that would bring God the MOST glory was to wait, so that ALL the people who witnessed Jesus raising Lazarus back to life would believe in Him…


As I’ve thought about this story, and thought about it, and thought some more…I have come to this ONE conclusion that I want to share with you today!


Wherever you are in your life RIGHT now, whether you’re in a season of waiting and praying for what’s next, or maybe you’re in need of rescue from God for relational healing in your family or for healing of a physical sickness, or maybe you’re searching for purpose and your NEXT in motherhood, as every season changes as our kids grow older…

Whatever it may be going on in your life personally, with the reality that we are ALL busy with the Christmas season in this moment…

I still feel strongly it would be naive of me to think that every mom reading right now doesn’t have something BIG going on in their life, that they are praying about and asking God for answers. Telling God, “Okay God, here is option A, B and C…So if you could just pick one that would be great!” or, “Okay God, here is my planner, so if you could just fix this or give me an answer around this time, that would be great!”


I know we all wish it worked like that at times, if we are honest…


But the BIGGEST thing I have learned from this story is, Jesus is ALWAYS there for us when we need Him, to cry with us, rejoice with us and wait with us—but HE is NOT on our time table!




Knowing our patience will be tested…that we will question Him sometimes…saying, ”Where is Jesus right now? I need Him to show up with an answer or show up and help my family…

But something I’m learning is, Jesus is always on top of it! He is always listening. Whatever journey you are on right now, mom, He has you on it for a reason…to ultimately bring God the most Glory. Which, if we could see the future like Jesus can, we would choose it that way every time!

So as a new year is approaching, walk confidently into a new year knowing that Jesus has got this! He hears you. He is crying alongside you, rejoicing alongside you, grieving with you, all while He is growing your trust in Him and your patience to wait, so you can be a part of bringing GOD THE MOST GLORY! 


Our kids are watching us, and if they see you wait patiently in diligent prayer and time in God’s Word, they will notice—they will hear it in your prayers and see Jesus in the life you live out before them everyday! That is my challenge for you moms…Something that has challenged me and grown me over the last 6 months, since I encountered this story, and I pray it does the same for you today!


I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas! Share this blog with a friend, and if you have been blessed by this LWF ministry and feel so led, you can GIVE HERE. And remember, to keep up the good work of pointing your kids to Jesus!