How can we teach God’s Word creatively to our kids?!

Click here to listen to this devotional by podcast: Episode 33: Third Parenting Secret-Be Creative.

While still being convinced in our love for the Word ourselves and also consistent in how we teach. These devotions on parenting “C”s from Pastor Adrian Rogers are meant to compound and work together, so if you have not read the blog/listened to the podcasts about teaching convincingly and consistently yet, go back a check those out and come back to this one. 

Pastor Adrian Rogers said that we must teach our children creatively about the Lord. The challenge to be consistent, can sometimes be hard to figure out while also being creative in our teaching of God’s Word. As moms, some days we feel up for being creative and then other days we are just trying to make it through! This is why it’s important not to make your creative teaching too complicated or unrealistic to be able to maintain consistency. Popularly called “Pinterest crafts” are fun every now and then, but let’s be practical in our approach of how to consistently be creative in teaching God’s Word to our kids! 

Remember the purpose is not to stress you out or cost a lot of money, it’s for your kids to learn more about Jesus. There are simple and affordable ways for accomplishing this! Pastor Adrian Rogers said, “Use every means at your disposal. When our children were young we used Bible stories, Bible games, verse memory, songs and Christian books to teach them.” If you find a podcast, a devotional book or a scripture memory writing plan that your kids like—stick with it! They won’t do it if they don’t like it, and you won’t have fun trying to force it. 

Let’s take a look at our passage for this devotional series, Deuteronomy 6:6-9:

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

Today’s verse focus is Deuteronomy 6:7b: “Talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.” 

Pastor Rogers said: “The problem is many homes get on a religion kick and say, “you kids are going to learn the Bible, so sit still while I instill.” That’s not the way God’s word is to be taught.” Deuteronomy 6:7b refers to teaching God’s Word as we go about our normal day—finding ways to bring Jesus into your day consistently and creatively. Teaching God’s word is to be both exciting and enjoyable for the parents and the children. 

Today’s Challenge: Simple suggestions for teaching your kids creatively

  1. Once a week, have your children draw a picture to illustrate a bible story you have read and write a verse to go with the story. Brag on their pictures and hang them on the fridge! This way they are right there to refer back to all week. 
  2. Consider a prize box to reward memorizing the verse from their picture each week, or for and older child memorizing a longer passage. Pastor Rogers said, “Put some motivation into it. God rewards and parents should too.” 
  3. Write your kids notes of scripture and encouragement. Leave it on their pillow or in their lunchbox. Remind them of your love and consistent prayers for them.
  4. Check out our new Family Worship Kit coming soon to purchase May 2021 on and

Click here to listen to this devotional by podcast: Episode 33: Third Parenting Secret-Be Creative.

COMING SOON: Our final two parenting C’s—Teaching God’s Word to your kids Conversationally and Conspicuously.