Listen to this Podcast episode 43 here.

How to answer when your child asks: “Will God ever leave me?”

No God never leaves us. He gives us this promise in the Bible:

“I will never leave you nor forsake you.” So we may boldly say: “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear.” – Hebrews 13: 5-6

GOD IS A FAITHFUL FATHER! He is always around. He never leaves. You can depend on him because He ALWAYS keeps his promises!

Hebrews 13:8 says: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.”

God stays the same and is always there when we need Him. This is such a comfort to us as adults as well as our children.

Instances where this question might come up:

  1. When they are fearful or scared.

  • Example: Alone at night having a bad dream.
    • Your Response: Pray over them and say a scripture together. Love on them and watch the peace of the Lord come over them!

2. When someone leaves you on this earth.

  • Examples: Someone dies that you love; Someone close to you moves away; A parent leaves the home in divorce.
    • Your Response: Remind them that even though people aren’t perfect or people can’t live forever—God is perfect and He will never leave you. He will always keep his promises and always be around. God will never let you down!

3. When new things make you nervous.

  • Examples: Walking into the first day of school; Making new friends; Standing up for what’s right.
    • Your Response: Tell them to remember that they are NEVER ALONE—GOD ALWAYS GOES WITH YOU!

Share this with your kids: Did you know that our God is so powerful that He can be ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE at the same time?! This means that our God is omnipresent—that’s a big word!

Omnipresent means: God can be with me, with you, with our family, or with anyone around the world at the SAME TIME!

So…He can be ANYWHERE at ANYTIME because He is omnipresent? Yes, that’s correct! All you have to do is call out to Jesus to help you and HE IS ALWAYS THERE! And if you have a relationship with Jesus living in your heart, the Bible says that God’s Holy Spirit lives inside of you, so anytime you need him throughout the day, HE is with you ALWAYS!

If you are ever feeling scared, alone or nervous, like we talked about earlier, just call out to Jesus, pray and talk to Him. HIS PROMISES ARE TRUE. God will never leave you and is always there when you need Him—what a great promise!

Thank the Lord in prayer together with your kids for this promise.

Listen to this Podcast episode 43 here.

Moms don’t forget—If you have been asked a BIG GOD QUESTION lately by one of your kiddos that caught you off guard or sent you to your knees to be able to answer, I would love to hear what the question was and how you responded to it? This way we can share with other moms on the podcast. You can email any questions or stories to me directly at