Christmas time is here!

All of the shopping, meal planning and making arrangements for travels or for guests coming to stay are in full motion—somewhere in the middle of making all our lists and checking them twice, we can easily forget that Christmas is about Jesus.

“Did you get anything for Jesus this year? Was He on your Christmas list? You know it is His birthday we are celebrating. What could we give Him? We ALL seem to struggle with this at Christmas and end up overlooking Jesus on the very day we celebrate His coming. We get busy at church or in the kitchen or under the tree, and we fail to consider our Lord and Savior. We don’t mean to or choose to or want to. But we get so busy with the celebration itself that we sometimes forget whom we are celebrating. This year, what can we give Jesus? What would He want?” -Adrian Rogers

This interactive Nativity is meant for the family to worship and celebrate the greatest gift ever given at Christmas—and that was JESUS!

This is a fun idea to spend quality time with your kids or a creative way to do your Christmas Eve story reading this year!—ALL while your children are learning and you are all celebrating together the greatest gift of Christmas…JESUS! All you need is colors and scissors and you are set!