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Do you ever catch yourself saying: “Where does the time go?”OR– tell your kids to “Stop growing so fast!”  

Pictures pop up all the time on my Facebook or Instagram, reminding me that 5 years ago have gone by. I know you know this feeling…looking at your memories and wondering where the time went?

Even though we snap pictures on our phones to freeze memories, time really can’t be stopped.

This is why it’s so important that you and I make each day count!

This season of having my children young and living at home is so much fun and sometimes tiring….BUT IT WILL NOT LAST FOREVER…I don’t like to think about that but it’s true…They won’t always need us like they do now. That’s why it’s so important that you and I are using the time we have to be intentional in how we spend time with our kids and purposeful in sharing Jesus with them.

Remember that tomorrow is not promised & today will soon be a memory popping up on our social media… 

I’ve been thinking a lot about this because earlier this year, I asked some friends to give me some ideas for a podcast I was preparing for. I sent an email out asking some friends of mine for ideas of how they bring Jesus into their homes and conversations daily with their kids…I got lots of responses, but I want to share one in particular response I got with you today. One of My friends emailed back and said:

“This year we are going through The One Year Bible for Children. We read this at bedtime and then we pray, usually my daughter prays.  We have also encouraged her to pray about things she is dealing with”… “It’s important for your children to see you serving at church and in the community.  We take our daughter with us when we serve and listen to Christian music together.”

I want to add to this that Recently her daughter accepted Christ & was baptized. I’m sharing her quote, because this same friend of mine passed away, leaving behind her husband and 8 year old daughter. When I asked her this question, she had no idea her time would be cut so short with her daughter. And neither did I. It’s been a shock…

Even though my friend didn’t have as long with her daughter as she probably thought she would, she lived each day with intention in teaching her about Jesus. What a powerful testament to the mother she was and faith she had in laying this foundation for her daughter to know and love the Lord!

So what’s the TAKEAWAY?

We must be grateful for the time God gives us on this earth and to make each day count for the Lord! In our mothering specifically, we must be intentional in how we spend time with our kids and purposeful in sharing Jesus with them….just like my friend was intentional with pouring Jesus into her daughter that will forever impact her life as she grows up. 

There is a scripture in Psalm 90:12 that says: 

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom.”.

Realizing life is short helps us use the time we have more wisely and for eternal things, like laying a foundation in Christ for our kids. Take the time to number your days by asking yourself:

“What do I want to see happen in my lifetime on this earth?” I know I want to see both of my boys come to know Jesus…

“What small step could I take toward being intentional with that purpose today?”

3 great places to start:

  1. Be intentional and start somewhere in Laying a foundation for your children to know and love the Lord…It may just start with praying with them each evening and reading a Bible Story book together…just don’t let another day of time with your kids go by without starting!   
  2. If you need some help, we have a new Scripture Writing Plan on the homepage called “A Grateful Heart.” Simply read one verse each day with your children and have everyone share something they are thankful for each day. Great for the dinner table or riding in the car to school.
  1. Want to take it a step further? This Scripture Writing Plan “A Grateful Heart” is 30 verses for 30 days. (We have others to choose from on the resources page as well.) I challenge to you to join me in not only reading the scripture to your children from #2 above, but for you to personally journal the scripture each day and write down one thing you are thankful for each evening as you reflect on the day. Reading, memorizing and reflecting on God’s Word NEVER returns void and sets the tone to MAKING EACH DAY COUNT!

Listen to this podcast episode here