Listen to this Podcast Episode 48 here

Two ways REST will make you a better mom if you make them a priority:

Let’s start with God’s Word in Proverbs 3:21-24:

“Keep sound wisdom and discretion; So they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck. Then you will walk safely in your way, and your foot will not stumble. When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.”

1. The importance of time to rest in the Lord each morning:

Let’s focus on verses 21-23 from this passage:

“Keep sound wisdom and discretion; So they will be life to your soul and grace to your neck. Then you will walk safely in your way, and your foot will not stumble.”

In order for us to make wise decisions in what we do and say and to keep from stumbling, it is crucial that we spend daily time with Jesus. Morning is the best time to do this before the day gets crazy. I have personally found that once the day gets going, if I didn’t start out with time with Jesus I am much less patient with my family and more likely to stumble. I think there is a reason that God gave the Israelites manna from Heaven each morning that they could gather but as the sun came out and the day grew warmer the manna would melt away, and they would have to wait until the next day to gather more. Time with the Lord is a lot like that—if you don’t grab it early before the chaos of kids, work, messes and schedules—you will lose it and have to wait until the following day. I don’t always get this perfect, but I have found it to be true. 

Let me say this too—It’s okay if your kids wake up and catch you having a quiet time resting in the Lord! It’s a GOOD thing, not something to get frustrated over. I have found that telling them about how you like to start your day with Jesus and a little about what you are learning, is a great way for them to see your faith in action and want to know more about it. I have just paraphrased a scripture of devotional I was reading so that they could understand. Or once they reach a certain age and know Jesus personally, encourage your kids to have their own quiet time while you have yours. (You can use our FREE SCRIPTURE WRITING PLAN on the homepage and have them write something they are thankful for that day in their scripture journal.) This will be exciting to them to take ownership in their own faith and begin to learn the importance of daily resting in Jesus.

2. The importance of time to rest and some “ME TIME” each day. 

Let’s focus on verses 24-25 from this passage:

“When you lie down, you will not be afraid; Yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet.”

When we are out in the sun all day, volunteering at VBS, staying home to work while the kids are out of school or traveling for vacation—we ALL know with life with kids is not restful!

Summertime means more laundry, more cooking and more messes! This is why it is so important to institute a daily “quiet time” or “rest time” in your home. Time for the kids to be alone is good for getting out of the sun, for sibling arguing and for Momma’s sanity! If they are older it may be for reading or watching a movie on their tablet (if you allow that in your home) or time for an afternoon nap. Most importantly, it’s time for momma to have a shower, take a nap, read a book, get some work done or whatever fills your tank up with “me” time for that day! 

Your stress will be lower, your sleep will be sweeter, and you will be a better mother for it!

Listen to this Podcast Episode 48 here